The configuration file: config.yml ================================== jenkins-pipeline-library relies on a YAML file in order to compose dinamically the stages that tackle the fulfillment of a requirement or good practice as defined by the SQA baseline. The configuration file must exist under ``.sqa/config.yml`` path, relative to the root directory of your code repository. Below is an example YAML file which shows the most common configuration options: .. code:: yaml # .sqa/config.yml - jenkins-pipeline-library configuration file # generic configuration: workspace, agents config: project_repos: worsica-processing: repo: '' branch: master sqa_criteria: qc_style: repos: worsica-processing: container: processing tox: testenv: - stylecheck environment: GIT_COMMITTER_NAME: Person1 GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL: LANG: C.UTF-8 timeout: 600 Supported settings ------------------ The ``.sqa/config.yml`` file shall contain the following main settings: .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 config ~~~~~~ Here you can define the generic parameters, such as the workspace and execution agents. :Type: ``map`` :Parameters: ``node_agent``, ``deploy_template``, ``project_repos`` :Required: ``true`` Example: .. code-block:: yaml config: project_repos: worsica-processing: repo: '' branch: master node_agent `````````` The type of agent to drive the execution of the dynamic stages. Docker Compose is used by default. :Type: ``string`` :Options: ``docker_compose`` :Default: ``docker_compose`` :Location: ``config:node_agent`` Example: .. code-block:: yaml config: node_agent: 'docker_compose' .. _config-deploy_template-setting: deploy_template ``````````````` Path to the template containing the definition of the services for the ``node_agent`` in use. :Type: ``path`` :Default: ``.sqa/docker-compose.yml`` :Location: ``config:deploy_template`` Example: .. code-block:: yaml config: deploy_template: '.sqa/docker-compose.yml' project_repos ````````````` Describes the code repositories that the pipeline will deal with. :Type: ``map`` :Required: ``true`` :Location: ``config:project_repos`` Example: .. code-block:: yaml config: project_repos: worsica-processing: repo: '' branch: master The set of allowed parameters for the definition of the code repository's description within the ``project_repos`` setting are herein described: **repo** URL pointing to the root path of the code repository. :Type: ``url`` :Required: ``true`` :Location: ``config:project_repos:repo`` **branch** Branch name to be checked out. :Type: ``string`` :Default: ``master`` :Location: ``config:project_repos:branch`` sqa_criteria ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This setting allows to define the criteria from the SQA baseline to be checked. Each requirement has a unique identifier and an associated set of mandatory and optional attributes. :Type: ``map`` :Parameters: ``qc_style``, ``qc_functional``, ``qc_coverage``, ``qc_security``, ``qc_doc`` :Required: ``true`` Example: .. code-block:: yaml sqa_criteria: qc_style: repos: worsica-processing: container: processing tox: testenv: - stylecheck .. note:: The ``sqa_criteria`` setting is the most relevant section of the ``.sqa/config.yml`` as it defines the different stages that will be dynamically added to the pipeline. The relationship between the identifiers used in the definition of the ``sqa_criteria`` (see *Options* above) and the ones used in the SQA criteria is summarized as follows: +-----------------+-----------------------+ | sqa_criteria ID | SQA baseline category | +=================+=======================+ | qc_style | QC.Sty | +-----------------+-----------------------+ | qc_coverage | QC.Uni | +-----------------+-----------------------+ | qc_functional | QC.Fun | +-----------------+-----------------------+ | qc_security | QC.Sec | +-----------------+-----------------------+ | qc_doc | QC.Doc | +-----------------+-----------------------+ The previous table lists the set of criteria that is currently supported by the current version of the jenkins-pipeline-library. The settings described in this section are common to all, which are applicable and defined per-repository, and thus, they must be used within the ``repos`` map setting, as showed in the following examples. .. note:: The repositories used under ``repos`` must be previously defined in the ``config:project_repos`` setting. They are referred by the identifiers used there. *Examples:* .. tabs:: .. tab:: qc_style .. code-block:: yaml sqa_criteria: qc_style: repos: worsica-processing: container: processing tox: testenv: - stylecheck .. tab:: qc_coverage .. code-block:: yaml sqa_criteria: qc_coverage: repos: worsica-processing: container: processing tox: testenv: - coverage worsica-portal: container: celery tox: testenv: - coverage .. tab:: qc_functional .. code-block:: yaml sqa_criteria: qc_functional: repos: worsica-processing: container: processing tox: testenv: - unittest worsica-portal: container: celery tox: testenv: - functional .. tab:: qc_security .. code-block:: yaml sqa_criteria: qc_security: repos: worsica-processing: container: processing tox: testenv: - security .. tab:: qc_doc .. code-block:: yaml sqa_criteria: qc_doc: repos: worsica-cicd: container: processing commands: - python build_sphinx Next, we will describe those available settings, some of them used in the previous examples, that can be defined for each repository associated with the former criteria: .. _config-container-setting: container ````````` Allows to specify the Docker container where the given criteria assessment will take place. If using ``docker_compose``, the value could be any of the services defined in the docker-compose.yml. :Type: ``string`` :Required: ``true`` :Location: ``sqa_criteria::repos::container`` tox ``` Built-in support tox application. It is only applicable for Python environments. :Type: ``map`` :Parameters: ``testenv``, ``tox_file`` :Location: ``sqa_criteria::repos::tox`` **testenv** Identifier of the test environment that tox shall use. :Type: ``list`` :Required: ``true`` :Location: ``sqa_criteria::repos::tox:testenv`` **tox_file** Specifies the path to the tox configuration file. :Type: ``path`` :Default: ``tox.ini`` :Location: ``sqa_criteria::repos::tox:tox_file`` .. note:: If using ``tox`` without ``container``, the jenkins-pipeline-library will automatically select an appropriate Docker container for running the tool. commands ```````` Allows to include a list of commands. This is helpful whenever there is no built-in support for the tool you use for building purposes. :Type: ``list`` :Default: ``[]`` :Location: ``sqa_criteria::repos::commands`` Example: .. code-block:: yaml sqa_criteria: qc_sec: repos: worsica-processing: commands: - bundle exec brakeman --exit-on-error .. note:: ``commands`` requires the presence of the ``container`` setting, which must have available all the tools --and dependencies-- used by the list of commands. Also the commands runs relative to the root directory /. As a hacking solution is possible to use Docker Compose's :ref:`docker_compose_env` to define the expected workspace in docker-compose.yml context, as a solution for current release. environment ~~~~~~~~~~~ Contains the environment variables required to execute the previouos SQA criteria checks. :Type: ``list`` :Default: ``[]`` Example: .. code-block:: yaml environment: GIT_COMMITTER_NAME: Person1 GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL: LANG: C.UTF-8 .. note:: ``environment`` variables are only usable by the deployment (for example with docker_compose) or defined features in current version. This environment will not be available inside the containers. For that, you should use for example, docker-compose.yml environment definitions instead. .. note:: The following JPL-prefixed environment variables have a special purpose: +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JPL vars | Purpose | +======================+===========================================================================+ | JPL_DOCKERPUSH | Space-separated list of defined docker-compose services whose image will | | | be pushed to the Docker registry. If ``ALL`` value is used, it | | | will push all locally built images defined in docker-compose.yml | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JPL_IGNOREFAILURES | If set, by using any random string value (without spaces), it | | | will ignore any push-related failure | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JPL_DOCKERFORCEBUILD | Forcedly rebuild all images with build clause in | | | docker-compose.yml | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JPL_DOCKERSERVER | Sets Docker registry server. By default it will use Docker Hub | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JPL_DOCKERUSER | Sets username of Docker registry credentials | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JPL_DOCKERPASS | Sets password of Docker registry credentials | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ timeout ~~~~~~~ Sets the timeout for the pipeline execution. :Type: ``integer`` :Default: ``600`` Example: .. code-block:: yaml timeout: 60 Docker Registry: upload images ------------------------------ As mentioned in special purpose environment variables note, pushing images to docker registry is supported using the following environment variables: +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JPL vars | Purpose | +======================+==========================================================================+ | JPL_DOCKERPUSH | Space-separated list of defined docker-compose services whose image will | | | be pushed to the Docker registry. If ``ALL`` value is used, it | | | will push all locally built images defined in docker-compose.yml | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JPL_IGNOREFAILURES | If set, by using any random string value (without spaces), it | | | will ignore any push-related failure | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JPL_DOCKERSERVER | Sets Docker registry server. By default it will use Docker Hub | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JPL_DOCKERUSER | Sets username of Docker registry credentials | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JPL_DOCKERPASS | Sets password of Docker registry credentials | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ **Example 1**: upload specific images to dockerhub registry ignoring failures config.yml example with minimal required configurations: .. code-block:: yaml config: credentials: - id: my-dockerhub-token username_var: JPL_DOCKERUSER password_var: JPL_DOCKERPASS environment: JPL_DOCKERPUSH: "docs service1 service4" JPL_IGNOREFAILURES: "defined" In this example there are three services: - service1: main service that have is Dockerfile in the service1 directory inside git repository. - service2: same as service1 with Dockerfile inside directory service2 and depends on service1 to be built. - docs: service to generate the project documentation. The docker-compose.yml file that would work with previous configuration can be as the following (mandatory the build keyword in service definition): .. code-block:: yaml version: "3.7" services: service1: build: context: "." dockerfile: "./service1/Dockerfile" image: "organization/service1:${GIT_BRANCH}" service2: build: context: "." dockerfile: "./service2/Dockerfile" cache_from: - "organization/service1:${GIT_BRANCH}" image: "organization/service2:${GIT_BRANCH}" depends_on: - service1 docs: build: context: "." dockerfile: "./docs/Dockerfile" image: "organization/docs:${GIT_BRANCH}" **Example 2**: upload all images to independent registry and fail with push failures .. code-block:: yaml config: credentials: - id: my-dockerhub-token username_var: JPL_DOCKERUSER password_var: JPL_DOCKERPASS environment: JPL_DOCKERPUSH: "ALL" JPL_DOCKERSERVER: "" .. note:: When using custom docker registry is also expected that docker-compose.yml have the expected configuration for the image references, following the official `documentation `_. .. warning:: The docker-compose.yml file for this example could be any. With 'ALL' value it will upload all loaded images to the custom registry. This also includes all images pulled from Dockerhub or other docker registry without a build section defined in docker-compose.yml. A Note on Docker images and registries ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Images are defined in docker-compose.yml file and there is no relation of those with defined service names. Also the docker registry repository needs to be previously created before running the last step of the generated pipeline. Last step will be always the image push to docker registry. Images that can be pushed in the end require the build keyword in service definition at docker-compose configuration. In next examples the sqa_criteria property is being omitted to focus only in the required configurations to push images to a docker registry. Also project_repos in config section is being removed since is not required, so it turns the examples more clear. Jenkins environment variable ${GIT_BRANCH} receives the branch or tag from git repository.