jpl-validator ============= The production repository can be found in `GitHub `_. Project layout -------------- :: (project) |-- .sqa | |-- config.yml | |-- docker-compose.yml |-- Jenkinsfile |-- build.gradle |-- gradlew |-- .. .. tabs:: .. tab:: .sqa/config.yml .. code-block:: config: project_repos: jpl-validator: repo: '' branch: master credentials: - type: username_password id: orviz-dockerhub sqa_criteria: qc_doc: repos: jpl-validator: container: gradle commands: - /jpl-validator/gradlew -p /jpl-validator jib **Notes**: * The credential *orviz-dockerhub* must be present, as *username_password* type, in the Jenkins instance where the pipeline will run. * Since gradlew builder is used in `commands`, the project directory must be set to the path where this script is available. Otherwise, the *jib* task will not be found. .. tab:: .sqa/docker-compose.yml .. code-block:: version: "3.6" services: gradle: image: "gradle" hostname: "jpl-validator" volumes: - type: bind source: ./jpl-validator target: /jpl-validator command: sleep infinity **Notes**: * The *gradle* official image from Docker Hub is one-shot so in order to stay available in background, we need to add a *sleep infinity* command. .. tab:: Jenkinsfile .. code-block:: @Library(['']) _ def projectConfig pipeline { agent any stages { stage('SQA baseline dynamic stages') { steps { script { projectConfig = pipelineConfig('./.sqa/config.yml', null, null, 'eoscsynergy/jpl-validator:jib-with-jpl') buildStages(projectConfig) } } post { cleanup { cleanWs() } } } } } **Notes**: * Credential support has been available since 2.1.0 .. tab:: build.gradle .. code-block:: (..) mainClassName = 'eu.indigo.jplvalidator.Cli' version = 'jib-with-jpl' project.ext.organization = 'eoscsynergy' // Google's jib task jib.container.mainClass = mainClassName = "${project.ext.organization}/${}:${version}" = "${System.env.JPL_USERNAME}" = "${System.env.JPL_PASSWORD}" (..) **Notes**: * An excerpt of ``build.gradle`` file where the username (*JPL_USERNAME*) and password (*JPL_PASSWORD*) from the defined credentials in ``config.yml`` (*orviz-dockerhub*) are used.