Last steps ========== After following the previous steps, *we have a working example that validates the code style of our Python or Java application*. Throughout the guide we have learnt that: * There are *3 required files* (provided with relative paths to the code repository) * ``.sqa/config.yml`` * ``.sqa/docker-compose.yml`` * ``Jenkinsfile`` Apart from those, in the specific case of using Tox tool with Python, we also need to consider both the definition of the environments and the location of the Tox configuration file. * The checks are defined within the ``sqa_criteria`` setting of the ``.sqa/config.yml`` file. * The services are provided through Docker containers, using Docker Compose solution, and must be previously defined in the ``.sqa/docker-compose.yml`` file. Now it is time to push our changes to the remote repository: .. code:: bash $ git push origin setup_jenkins-pipeline-library If we have a Jenkins server already scanning our remote repository, the previous *push* command will automatically trigger the execution of the code style check we have defined in our example. No need of doing anything else. Once the check has been executed by Jenkins, the results will be displayed. The ``setup_jenkins-pipeline-library`` branch will be eventually merged into the production branch (usually ``master``) after the dealing with the style standard complaints (if any). .. note:: We provide a `working example `_ with Jenkins `build logs `_ available. .. tip:: The EOSC-Synergy project provides a Jenkins instance that can be used for research software projects using the jenkins-pipeline-library (v2). If you need support, please contact .