The pipeline: Jenkinsfile

The minimal content for the Jenkinsfile is as follows:

@Library(['']) _

def projectConfig

pipeline {
    agent any

    stages {
        stage('SQA baseline dynamic stages') {
            steps {
                script {
                    projectConfig = pipelineConfig()
            post {
                cleanup {

The pipeline explained

The pipeline loads the jenkins-pipeline-library in the first place:

@Library(['']) _

and only requires the definition of a single stage that will be in charge of:

  1. Parsing the .sqa/config.yml file:

projectConfig = pipelineConfig()
  1. Build one stage per criteria found in sqa_criteria setting in the .sqa/config.yml file:



The library expects by default the presence of the configuration file in .sqa/config.yml. This behaviour can be changed by passing the path of the file using the configFile optional argument:

projectConfig = pipelineConfig(configFile=<alternative_path>)