A minimal configuration

We will use the fictional repository https://github.com/myorg/myrepo. The following steps set up the minimum layout:

  1. Clone the repo

$ export MY_REPO=https://github.com/myorg/myrepo
$ git clone $MY_REPO
  1. A good practice is to add the changes herein described in an individual branch, so not directly in the production –usually master– branch. In this example we will use setup_jenkins-pipeline-library as follows:

$ cd $MY_REPO
$ git checkout -b setup_jenkins-pipeline-library
  1. We will now create the following directory structure within the code repository, as required by the library (be sure to read Layout section):

    |-- .sqa
    |    |-- config.yml
    |    |-- docker-compose.yml
    |-- Jenkinsfile

    3.1. Create the main .sqa folder:

    $ mkdir .sqa

    3.2. Create the initial content of the main configuration file, .sqa/config.yml, with the description of your repository (see The configuration file: config.yml section):

    $ cat <<EOF > .sqa/config.yml
          repo: 'https://github.com/myorg/myrepo'

    3.3. Create the .sqa/docker-compose.yml. For the time being, we will only specify the version required by the library (i.e. 3.6), later on we will add the service definitions (see The services: docker-compose.yml section):

    $ cat <<EOF > .sqa/docker-compose.yml
    version: "3.6"

    3.4. In the root path of the code repository, create the Jenkisfile, file required by Jenkins. In order to make it work with the jenkins-pipeline-library, at least the following content must be present (see The pipeline: Jenkinsfile section):

    $ cat <<EOF > Jenkinsfile
    @Library(['github.com/indigo-dc/jenkins-pipeline-library@2.0.0']) _
    def projectConfig
    pipeline {
        agent any
        stages {
            stage('SQA baseline dynamic stages') {
                steps {
                    script {
                        projectConfig = pipelineConfig()
                post {
                    cleanup {
  2. Commit & push the layout files:

$ git add .sqa Jenkinsfile
$ git commit -m "Initial setup of jenkins-pipeline-library files"

Now that we have the skeleton with an initial version of the three relevant files, let’s add our checks through the sqa_criteria setting. We will see how to do that in the next section.