The sqa_criteria setting

In this section we will cover the sqa_criteria setting, which represents the fundamental part of the configuration since it contains the definitions of the checks that comprise the quality criteria.

The full set of criteria currently supported in the library is summarized in the following table and can be found in the sqa_criteria section.

sqa_criteria setting

What does it cover?


Make your code compliant with a style standard


Calculate the unit testing coverage of your code


Test the main features of your software


Assess the security (uncover vulnerabilities & bad security practices)


Generate the documentation

Python and Java examples

The best way to learn the basics about the library is through examples. In the next subsections we will show how to fulfill the qc_style criterion for Python and Java applications. Working configurations are provided so you can readily test them.

The current version of the library supports both commands and tox (this last only available for Python-based applications) environments to execute the checks, hence the examples below cover the three possible use cases, i.e. Python (with and without Tox) and Java (with commands).

Python with tox

      repo: ''

         container: myrepo-testing
           tox_file: /myrepo-testing/tox.ini
           testenv: stylecheck

As it can be seen, the three files are linked together. In order to compose them, the following requirements must be considered:

Notes on docker-compose.yml (DC)
  1. Minimum version: 3.6 [DC] is required, otherwise bind volume definitions are not correctly supported.

  2. There are 3 main parameters that must be defined in DC file, i.e.:

    • hostname: sets the hostname of the Docker container. This parameter is useful when communicating with other services (Docker containers).

    • image: points to the Docker image that will be used by the container.

      • When using this parameter, the image must be previously available in Docker Hub registry. Additionally, DC allows the image to be built in runtime by providing a Dockerfile. In this case, the build parameter must be used (check out DC’s build parameter documentation).

      • Note that all the tools required to run the tests must be deployed in the Docker image. In this example, the indigodatacloud/ci-images:python3.6 image already contains the tools needed to execute the subsequent tox commands.

    • volumes: identifies the volume where the repository (myrepo in this example) content will be accessible. The type: bind is required and only the values for source and target parameters must be provided.

Notes on links between config.yml (CONFIG) and docker-compose.yml (DC)
  1. The value for the container setting [CONFIG] must correspond to a service definition in the DC file. In the example above, the service myrepo-testing is defined under services inside DC file.

  2. The source parameter [DC file] corresponds to the ID/name used to identify the current repository, i.e. the ID used in the config:project_repos definition [CONFIG]. Since we are using a relative path in the DC file specification, the source [DC file] value must always be prefixed by ./ (DC always expect a path format). In our example, we have set myrepo as the ID so the correct value for source [DC file] is ./myrepo.

Notes on links between tox.ini (TOX), config.yml (CONFIG) and docker-compose.yml (DC)
  1. The value for tox_file [CONFIG] must be the absolute path to the TOX file. To obtain the full path to the TOX file, target [DC file] must be prepended to the relative path of the TOX file within the code repository, as it is the folder where the repository has been checked out. In the example above, myrepo has the TOX file available in the root path of the repository, therefore /myrepo-testing/tox.ini is the correct location.

  2. The value for testenv [CONFIG] must correspond to any of the test environments [TOX file]. In our example, stylecheck testenv executes the flake8 style tool, and thus, it can be used as the value for tox’s testenv [CONFIG].


We recommend the use of Tox tool in the case of Python applications, as it is the most accurate way of defining and running all your tests. Hence, Tox can execute each test in an individual Python virtual environment (virtualenv), so it is isolated from the other tests. Note that the use of Tox in this example is extremelly simple and does not take advantage of the full capabilities of the tool.

Python with commands

      repo: ''

         container: myrepo-testing
           - flake8

In this example, the only difference with respect to the previuos example is the use of commands [CONFIG]. Here, we will obtain the same output as in the previous Python-with-tox example since flake8 tool is executed.

Java with commands

      repo: ''

         container: myrepo-testing-java
           - mvn -f /myrepo-testing/pom.xml checkstyle:checkstyle

Don’t forget to commit

Once you have added one of the former definitions in the sqa_criteria setting, it is time to commit our work. Following up with the example of previous section:

$ git commit -m "Add sqa_criteria setting & associated docker-compose services"

In the next section, we will provide the last steps to make all this work being executed in Jenkins.